Krishyatu Herbal Liquid Extract
Krishyatu Herbal Liquid Extract
The Material is a bio-agricultural produce named (KRISHYATU HERBAL LIQUID EXTRACT) The liquid is usually extracted from a Rare and essential Herbal specie with Monosodium Glutamate(MSG) . The Herbs contains heavy neurotoxins, enzyme inhibitors, histamine, serotonin and chlorotoxin used for the production of certain Vaccine and combating Viral Infection. It is highly effective in terminal Viral diseases, brain tumor, cancer and many other deadly diseases.
Agriculture and Food Products
Agriculture and Food Products
Agriculture and food products refer to the cultivation, production, and distribution of food, feed, and fiber products. They are also used to feed the world’s population and to provide the raw materials for many industries. Agriculture and food products are a vital part of the global economy and are essential for a healthy, balanced lifestyle. They provide essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are necessary for good health and nutrition.